УСЛУГИ ОМС +7 (343) 363-03-03 |
ГОСПИТАЛИЗАЦИЯ +7 (343) 385-58-87 |
ПЛАТНЫЕ УСЛУГИ +7(343) 36-36-006 |
Dear patients! Thank you for choosing treatment in the Russian Federation and specifically in the Clinical hospital No. 1 of Sverdlovsk region.
We would really like to know what impressions you have from visiting our country and the quality of the services you received during this trip. To do this, a team of professionals compiled a small interactive questionnaire, the answers to which on average will take you from 5 to 7 minutes.
By answering these questions, you will help all visiting patients receive a more convenient service, and participating employees will develop their professional skills and pay attention to those details that went unnoticed.
Thank you in advance for your participation in the development of medical tourism in Russia!
The questionnaire can be found at the link: https://ru.surveymonkey.com/r/S6LPYW8
With respect, administration of the Clinical hospital No. 1 of Sverdlovsk region.